Thursday, March 03, 2011

My Obsession Of Penang

I lived in Penang for five years. 1991-1996.  I was twelve years old when I first came to that wonderful island. My life in Penang was truly the best years in my teenage years. 

In 1998, as I began to enter university, I decided to trace all my old friends - most are my ex-schoolmates in Hamid Khan - in Penang. I searched in internet and whenever I think the person is someone I know, I would immediately send him/her messages.

Thanks to Facebook, since 2009 I found more than a number of friends that I was actually expected to. I was very excited.

Well, actually, the first reason I have Friendster, Facebook, Hi5, Multiply, and so many accounts in the social networks is so that I can meet all my old friends in Malaysia.

It is perhaps a bit too obsessive, don't you think so? Yes, I am. As I do really miss my old friends there very much. My ex-schoolmates, my ex-tuition-mates, my ex-neighbours, and all that belong to my past in Penang.

Penang, with all the good and bad memories I have when I was there, it always remain as one of the best memory in my life.

I put Penang as my second hometown after Jakarta.

If there is such a thing, I would be happy to be consider of a Penang-ese (I don't know if there is such a term, hahahaha).

So, when my ex-schoolmates made a group of a reunion party in 2011, I was actually very very excited. I planned well for going back to Penang. I save some money. I begged my husband to accompany. And so on.

I think, I became so obsessive for going back to Penang and it still did even after I had been there. 

On my next post, I will write all my days in Penang, after more than 15 years I left the island...

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